How to Prepare for an Open House!

With warmer days in sight, you might be thinking about listing your home for the upcoming spring market.  One way that sellers can help their home to stand out is by hosting an open house. Open houses may attract everyone from nosy neighbors to motivated buyers. Either way, they generate buzz about a home—and that can be a great thing to get your home sold quickly. If you have an open house approaching, here are 10 ways you can prepare your home for success:


1. Declutter

During an open house, you want prospective buyers to be able to easily tour your home. Help them navigate through by getting rid of any clutter that could be in the way. This could include anything from overly stacked bookshelves to crammed closets. Give prospective buyers a clear view of the space your home provides.

2. Clean

Once you remove any clutter from your home, you may find some spaces that are in need of a deep cleaning. Not only should you give your home a thorough cleaning before you list it, but you also should maintain that cleanliness for the duration of your sale. This is particularly true as you’re preparing for an open house.

3. Prune

When you finish cleaning inside your home before an open house, take your diligence outdoors! Throughout your home sale, your lawn should be meticulously manicured. This means regularly mowing and trimming. To impress buyers at an open house, you also may want to add some seasonal flowers to your curb appeal. Don’t forget to water any new additions!

4. Plaster, Paint, Repeat

Did all of that decluttering and cleaning leave a few eyesores on the walls? If you have any holes, scrapes or even odd paint colors on your walls, you’ll want to give them a fresh look before you host an open house. Handle these small repairs yourself or call in a professional to help your home look its best.

5. Stage

If you’re feeling like you’ve cleaned and decluttered a bit too much and your home seems a little bare, consider staging it with appropriate furniture or décor. This is a particularly good idea if you’ve been using your rooms in less-than-conventional ways, you know like that spare room you turned into your weight room. Be sure to ask your real estate agent about home staging, they might be an expert!

6. Find a Sitter

With your home in tip-top shape before an open house, you’re going to want to keep it that way. If you have pets, you know this can be quite the task. During showings—and certainly during an open house—find a friend or relative who may be able to show your pets a little extra love.  Having your children and pets out of the house will be best for them and your potential buyers. They won’t suffer the anxiety of strangers strolling through the house and you’ll have an easier time keeping the place clean for prospective buyers.

7. Protect Valuables

Of course, you wouldn’t leave valuables sitting out during an open house or showing. But, you may want to take security measures to the next level for an all-day open house. Lock up any personal valuables or rent a storage unit while your home is on the market. This way, you’ll make sure all of your things remain yours and nothing gets broken. 

8. Self-Promote

Your real estate agent should more than cover your marketing needs, but it won’t hurt you to do a little legwork too, when it comes to selling your home. Shamelessly promote your home on your social media networks and any forums you belong to. Your home has a better chance of selling if you tell people about it!

9. Get Treats

We can’t think of any buyer that would want to turn down free food or drink! Give your open house guests something to remember by letting your home touch all of their senses! With a taste of your favorite cookies or brownies, prospective buyers are sure to feel right at home.  

10. Brighten Up

Just before you walk out the door for an open house, because—no—you will not be attending your own open house, be sure to open up all of your blinds and turn on any lights in rooms that appear a bit dark. More light in your home will make it look more spacious and inviting.


Ready to impress buyers at an open house this upcoming spring? Let me help! Give me a call today!