The Do's and Don'ts When it Comes to Moving

Whether it is your first move or you are a seasoned professional, there is no doubt that moving can be stressful. From organizing to packing and all the tasks in between, you are likely wondering how you are going to finish or where to even begin. Luckily, we have all been there and are here to help make your move go smoothly.  Below, we are going to tackle the top moving do’s and don’ts to help you become a pro for your next move.  

Do set a plan before your move begins

When you are moving it is very important to be organized.  Putting in place a pre-move plan will give you peace of mind and make your move a whole lot easier.  Figuring out where to start can be the hardest part. Go through your home and make a list of the items that you will need to pack up and those the movers will.  After you make a list, you can easily go through your home and start crossing items off!

Don’t wait until the last minute 

Procrastination is one of the worst things you can do in a move.  There is no worse feeling than still having to pack when the moving company shows up at your door. Or be pulling all-nighters to meet your move out deadline. Make sure when you schedule your moving day that you are able to clear your schedule and set time aside before your move to pack and organize. 

Do get rid of unneeded items

It is a good idea to try and picture yourself in your new space and get rid of those items that you don’t need.  You might be tempted to just start throwing everything into boxes, but this is a great opportunity to take inventory of everything you own.  You can recycle or donate any unneeded items and make unpacking easier! 

Do label everything

Labeling is one more thing to add to your to-do list, but it is essential in the process.  Making sure that you are labeling all of your boxes and being organized is key to having a stress-free move.  When you go into your new space, you will be able to place all of your boxes in the correct rooms. This will make your unpacking process go smoothly.  You could even try buying different colors of duct tape and assigning a different color to each room. Use the tape to secure the edges of the box and you’ll know what room the box belongs no matter what side you can see.

Don’t overstuff your boxes

It is easy to throw everything into a large box and hope for the best, but make sure to never overstuff your boxes when packing.  It can result in making the boxes too heavy to carry, causing them to break, or damaging your items. Instead, try packing heavy items like books or pots and pans in small boxes instead of combining them in with other boxes.  Do you have a suitcase on wheels? Utilize it to move heavier items!

Do pack an essentials bag

Moving takes time and typically can’t be done in one day.  It is a great idea to pack an overnight bag with all your essentials so that you can comfortably spend the night in your new home. For an easier transition for your children, have them pack one box with all their favorite toys.  This will be the first box they can unpack in the new home and get them excited about their new space!

Don’t try to get everything done in one day 

When you finally in your new space, don’t try to unpack everything in one day.  Moving is a long process and can be very stressful. Take some time to relax in your new home and know that everything will come together!

If you go into your next move with the right attitude and tools you will be sure to have a positive experience.  It will be stressful and tiring, but with our tips, you’ll have a handle on everything!